Este al doilea an consecutiv in care sustinem Concursul de Sanatate si Securitate in Munca, organizat de Sindicatul Liber “Navalistul”. Avand in vedere faptul ca sanatatea si securitatea angajatilor sunt prioritare in santierul nostru, ne bucuram ca numarul participantilor s‑a dublat si ca rezultatele sunt din ce in ce mai bune.
Felicitam toti concurentii si uram succes la etapa nationala celor patru premianti!
— Locul I — Mariana Salceanu (Hull Department);
— Locul II — Cristina Barariu (Hull Department);
— Locul III — Claudiu Fauer (Hull Department);
— Locul IV — Marcela Pripoae (Outfitting Department).

It is the second consecutive year when Damen Shipyards Mangalia supports the Health and Safety Contest organized by “Navalistul” Trade Union. Given the fact that employees’ health and safety represent a priority in our shipyard, we are delighted to see that the number of contestants doubled and that their results are getting better every year.
Congratulations to all participants and the best of success to our four finalists at the national contest!
— 1st Place — Mariana Salceanu (Hull Department)
— 2nd Place — Cristina Barariu (Hull Department)
— 3rd Place — Claudiu Fauer (Hull Department)
— 4th Place — Pripoae Marcela (Outfitting Department).


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