In legatura cu ultimele evolutii si informatii de interes public cu privire la proiectul de reparatii si constructii a unei parti a navei MSC “Flaminia”, astazi 08.05.2013, conducerea executiva a Daewoo-Mangalia Heavy Industries S.A., prin biroul sau de presa, transmite urmatorul comunicat :
- Primul transport de tabla navala de 3,000 tone de la Sidex – Mittal Steel Galati, destinat reparatiei MSC “Flaminia” a fost descarcat in Daewoo-Mangalia Heavy Industries S.A.
- In urma analizei probelor prelevate de la bordul navei MSC “Flaminia” , specialistii de la INSEMEX Petrosani, ne-au informat preliminar, urmatoarele :
– “atmosfera controlata la fața locului conține substanțe inflamabile în concentrații reduse, care nu pot forma o atmosferă explozivă în condiții normale de temperatură ambiantă (-25÷40ºC);”
– “probele de lichid analizate conțin substanțe inflamabile în cantițăti reduse, care, la temperatură normală, nu pot genera vapori inflamabili in cantități capabile să formeze o atmosferă explozivă;”
– “probele de solid analizate conțin substanțe inflamabile în cantițăti reduse, care, la temperatură normală, nu pot genera vapori inflamabili sau gaze inflamabile in cantități capabile să formeze o atmosferă explozivă.”
– “In urma testelor de laborator la încălzire programată a probelor solide, nu s-au identificat reacții de descompunere sau de combinare violente –de tip explozie ale acestora.”
– “La temperaturi ridicate (de cca. 800º C) gazele și vaporii degajați din materialele solide (probele nr.18, 23,26 ) s-au autoaprins”
- Raportul oficial INSEMEX va fi transmis in scurt timp tuturor factorilor implicati, dar nu sunt de asteptat modificari de substanta fata de aceste informatii preliminare.
Biroul de Presa al Daewoo Mangalia Heavy Industries
toate bune si frumoase la inceput.vom vedea,mai tarziu,ce ne rezerva viitorul.
MSC Flaminia, nava adusă în şantierul DMHI pentru reparaţii, are în spate una din cele mai spectaculoase poveşti marinăreşti din ultimii ani. Bomba plutitoare, aşa cum a fost prezentată de presa din Marea Britanie, Germania şi România, a fost construită, fără dubii, pe şantierele coreene ale Daewoo, şi nu în Mangalia, după cum se susţinea la un moment dat. Subsidiara din România a companiei Daewoo deţine însă proiectul tehnologic care a stat la baza construcţiei navei, astfel încât Flaminia va fi reparată în şantierul din Mangalia. Toate controversele vin de la încărcătura toxică a navei şi temerile că interiorul acesteia ar fi atât de contaminat, încât pune în pericol atât vieţile muncitorilor români, cât şi mediul. Fără doar şi poate, interiorul MSC Flaminia adăposteşte încă un cocktail de otrăvuri, chiar dacă încărcătura de containere cu substanţe toxice şi apa contaminată cu acestea, rezultată din stingerea incendiului care a mistuit nava în iulie 2012, au fost descărcate în portul german Jade Wesser Port.
Firma nemţească Reederei a transportat, în luna februarie, otrăvurile de pe MSC Flaminia în Danemarca, unde au fost neutralizate de compania Nordgroup, se arăta, la un moment dat, în presa din Germania. Întrebarea care rămâne este cât de puternic contaminată este acum MSC Flaminia şi dacă reprezintă un pericol într-atât de mare precum se vehiculează. Potrivit cotidianului britanic Telegraph, care cita, în ediţia sa de pe 1 septembrie 2012 un specialist rus, Mikhail Voytenko, la bordul MCS Flaminia se aflau 149 de containere încărcate cu substanţe extrem de toxice, precum PCB, nitrometan, fosfor, tributilamină, cresol, butanol etc. La rândul lor, autorităţile germane au anunţat că, din cele 2.876 de containere aflate la bordul MSC Flaminia, 151 conţineau substanţe corozive inflamabile. Practic, conform, de pe Flaminia lipseau doar deşeuri nucleare şi explozivi militari, în rest fiind prezente aproape toate substanţele toxice periculoase incluse în codul IMDG.
sau asta:
2012 Fire [edit]
On 14 July 2012,[4] a fire in hold 4 caused an explosion aboard MSC Flaminia while the ship was underway from Charleston, United States, to Antwerp, Belgium, forcing the crew to abandon the ship some 1,000 nautical miles (1,900 km; 1,200 mi) from nearest land in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.[5] Her Majesty’s Coastguard received a distress signal at 10:07 (UTC (GMT)) and broadcast an alert to all vessels in the area.[6] DS Crown, a German-owned, Bahamas-flagged oil tanker en route from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada to Falmouth, Cornwall, United Kingdom,[5] was the first to arrive at the scene and rescue 22 crew members and two passengers from a lifeboat and a liferaft. One crewman remains missing and is presumed dead. The ship’s First Officer died on DS Crown shortly after being taken aboard from burns he had sustained while fighting the fire.[3][6][7] On 8 October, another seriously injured crew member of MSC Flaminia died in a specialist hospital for burn wounds in Portugal.[8] A number of containers were also lost overboard.[9]
After the crew and passengers had abandoned the ship, MSC Flaminia was left drifting in mid-Atlantic. Dutch salvage company Smit International signed a salvage contract for the stricken vessel, but the extent of the fire was not known until the first salvage tug, Fairmount Expedition, arrived at the scene on 17 July. According to the first reports, the fire was still burning in holds 4, 5 and 6, and the ship had developed a list of about 8.5 degrees as a result of the firefighting operations, but the engine room, superstructure and aftship were not seriously damaged. A second explosion occurred on the ship on 18 July, but the salvage efforts soon continued. The ship’s own firefighting system was also started and the salvage personnel attempted to find the missing crewman. On 20 July, Fairmount Expedition began to tow MSC Flaminia towards Europe while Anglian Sovereign, another salvage tug with specialized firefighting equipment, continued to cool down the fire. On 24 July, it was announced that the fire on board MSC Flaminia was under control and an aerial high definition video, recorded by a helicopter on 26 July,[10] showed the damage to the ship and its containers. By 29 July, the ship had arrived within 100 nautical miles (190 km; 120 mi) of the British coast. However, the deteriorating weather prevented the salvage crew from entering the ship, then listing at 10 degrees, on 31 July and she was moved away from the coast. Although the fires had been put out in holds 4, 5 and 6, temperatures in hold 7 were still rising. On 13 August, the salvage efforts restarted but, as no European country had given the ship a permission to enter its coastal waters, MSC Flaminia remained at her waiting position approximately 240 nautical miles (440 km; 280 mi) offshore. In addition to extinguishing individual containers, the salvage crew had pumped water from the cargo holds to stabilize the vessel, reducing the list to around 2.5 degrees.[8]
The damaged MSC Flaminia at JadeWeserPort in Wilhelmshaven, Germany.
On 20 August 2012, five weeks after the crew abandoned the vessel, MSC Flaminia was given permission to enter German waters. After the ship had been towed to a sheltered anchorage off Heligoland, a team of experts entered the vessel and identified the possible hazards on board. After the ship had been deemed safe, she was allowed to pass through the English Channel and proceed to JadeWeserPort in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, where she arrived on 9 September 2012.[11][12] The investigations are expected to take about one week, after which the unloading of the vessel may begin.[8]
The fire onboard MSC Flaminia has again raised concerns about misdeclared cargo. Containers containing explosive or flammable materials are normally carried on the decks for safety, but if the cargo manifest is incorrect or falsified, they might be stowed inside the cargo holds where they create a potential hazard. The shipping company has confirmed that, according to the cargo manifest, the ship was not carrying calcium hypochlorite, a chemical compound responsible for several container ship fires in the 1990s, in any of the 2,876 containers on board the ship.[3][5][13] Furthermore, the reluctance of any country to give permission for the ship to enter its coastal areas raised concerns about the vessel sinking or being intentionally scuttled in deep water.[14] A similar situation resulted in a major oil spill in 2002 when the oil tanker Prestige broke in two and sank after French, Portuguese and Spanish governments refused to allow the ship to dock in their ports.
In March 2013, MSC Flaminia departed Wilhelmshave for Mangalia, Romania where she is to be repaired. A new center section will be inserted with completion scheduled for September 2013.[15]
asa ca va rog sa va calmati
asa ca calmativa